Contact us
Yeovil Liberal Democrats - Always working hard for you.
Contact the Yeovil Lib Dem team about getting involved - or about any issues in your area you think we may be able to help you with.
Contact us by phone, email, write or call in.
Get in touch
Adam Dance MP
Please contact Adam Dance MP on the email address of adam.dance.mp@parliament.uk
His new office address, office phone number and surgery dates will soon be available.
Facebook: cllradamdance
Instagram: adam4yeovil
Yeovil Liberal Democrats
Email: enquiries@yeovil-libdems.org.uk
Our address:
Yeovil Liberal Democrats
5 Church Street
BA20 1HB
Phone: 01935 425025
Or you can contact us through our social media at:
Facebook @yeovil-libdems:
Instagram @yeovillibdems:
Twitter @YeovilLibDems:

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